Annalisa Bottoni

Annalisa Bottoni, Responsabile Operativo, illustrates the skills of the Invio Home Customer Service
Since the beginning of its business, Invio Home has been far-sighted in understanding the importance of the care to be dedicated to customers. For this reason it has always enhanced this sector: customer service.
over 40 people dedicated to customer care
When I arrived in Invio Home in 2011 this service consisted of only 4 people. It has now grown considerably, with 11 internal operators plus 30 colleagues in all regional offices.
customer service and after service
The internal customer service at Invio Home is divided into two competences, a pure one relating to customer service where all the operators answer the phone every weekday from Monday to Friday continuously from 9 to 18, providing information that helps customers to solve the just in time problem. Instead the sector called Quality Control and which I like to define After Service is aimed at verifying the execution of the service, so these operators and operators contact the Customers the day after delivery, asking for information regarding Customer satisfaction. verifying that the service was carried out according to the contractual dynamics.
continuous improvement
At this point, all this information collected by the operators is then used by Invio Home to improve the service and to create new projects.
Also at this time we have put in place some projects that will certainly be put in place in 2021 that will serve to allow our customers a better efficiency and effectiveness in deliveries and can be offered both to our current customers and to new customers who will come.
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