Track Your Order

Track Your Order In this page you may track your shipment and see the progress report. To know when your goods will be delivered or to have the information you need, please add the Packing List number of your order and click on the  SEARCH button. A tracking table will appear, and you may find all of [...]

logistics, tracking, track your order

Our Solutions > Order Tracking Order Tracking INVIO HOME provides two different kinds of tracking:   One for companies – integrated into our IT system, which enables to track the flow of goods and single orders one for the final customer – which enables your [...]

furniture shipment and delivery, supply chain as a service, computerized logistics

It enables the management of order tracking, from take charge to the delivery by appointment to the recipient through a steady feedback with clients.

Does INVIO HOME provide logistics and transportation for e-commerce?

Delivery by appointment, unpacking, packaging disposal, positioning of the furniture, and tracking orders are just a few of the supplementary services INVIO HOME provides.

Does INVIO HOME transport furniture from Europe and Switzerland to Italy?

Thanks to our hubs and to our logistic platforms, spread throughout the Italian territory, we are able to prepare and fulfill every order promptly through computerized procedures to organize the transport of decor, to manage the supplies and to efficiently track every movement of the items.

      Siglacom - Internet Partner